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RT11 — calling of Priority Transform outside of context of an invocation

  • Key: RT11-11
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3585
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Jon Currey)
  • Summary:

    The last sentence of the third paragraph of section 4.8 (on page 40) reads
    'If the outbound transform is called outside the context of an invocation then
    there is no ObjectId and the ORB shall not invoke the transform function.'

    This sentence is not clear, and sounds almost self-contradictory ('if called ...
    not invoked...').

    I believe what this is trying to say is that the outbound transform is not
    called for invocations from client application threads. i.e. that it is only
    called for onward invocations, being made from within servant code.

    I think that this is actually an arbitrary restriction. It would be acceptable
    to allow the transform to be called for client-side invocations, as these
    would be distinguishable by the fact that the passed ObjectId would be

    Even if we want to keep the restriction, I think the wording should be
    improved. Therefore I have two alternative proposals :

    Proposal A : (If we want to remove this restriction.)
    Change this sentence to read :
    'For invocations not made from another CORBA Object (i.e. made from
    an application thread), the outbound transform is still called, with a null
    value for the ObjectId parameter. The transform implementor has the
    option of leaving the priority unmodified in this case.'

    Proposal B : (If we want to keep this restriction)
    Change this sentence to read :
    'The outbound priority transform is not called for invocations made from
    application threads (i.e. calls that are not made from servant code.)'

  • Reported: RT 1.0 — Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — RT 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:50 GMT