Key: QVT-40
Legacy Issue Number: 11059
Status: closed
Source: France Telecom R&D ( Mariano Belaunde)
The tryBody property is multivalued in the class description but monovalued in the
Diagram. What is the correct multiplicity? -
Reported: QVT 1.0b1 — Thu, 24 May 2007 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — QVT 1.0
Disposition Summary:
(1) In the class description of TryExp, in the property 'tryBody' description add the '
{composes, ordered}' mention.
(2) In the class description of TryExp, replaces the exceptBody property by the following:
exceptClause : CatchExp [*] {composes, ordered}The exception clauses providing the code to execute in case of failure.
{composes, ordered}
(3) In the class description of TryExp, removes the 'exception : Type' property description.
(4) Replaces the exceptBody property by the following:
exceptClause : CatchExp [*]
The exception clauses providing the code to execute in case of failure.
(5) After the section describind the TryExp, add a new section to describe the CatchExp class with the following content.:
A catch expression represents the the code to be executed when a exception matching a given list of exception types is fired durin the execution of the containing try expression.
exception : Type [*] {ordered}
The list of exceptions being treated by this catch handler.
body : OclExpression [*] {composes, ordered}The list of expressions to execute in sequence.
{ expression1; }
The notation uses the 'except' keyword with the list of exception types in parenthesis and the body in braces.
except (exception1,exception2)(5) Update Figure 8.6 anf Figure 8.3 using the new version of Appendix D of this report.
Remark: For the BNF grammar modification see resolution of 10026.
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:54 GMT