Key: QOSCCM_-14
Legacy Issue Number: 11697
Status: closed
Source: THALES ( Olivier Hachet)
IDL inconsistency for ContainerInterceptor interface:
In section 8.3.4, the IDL for CustomSlotItem (identifier is a string) is not
consistent with the one of the AnnexeA.2 section (identifier is an
OctetSeq). -
Reported: QOSCCM 1.0b2 — Fri, 30 Nov 2007 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — QOSCCM 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Regarding the resolution of issue No 9740, update the IDL of 'struct CustomSlotItem' in section Annex A.2 with the one in section 8.3.4.
A new repository Id shall be added for CustomSlotItem, CustomSlotItemSeq and COPIServiceContext -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:54 GMT