Key: PYTH-10
Legacy Issue Number: 3347
Status: closed
Source: Camros Corporation ( Jeffrey Marshall)
In the third paragraph of Section 14.4.4 states that "The application may
specify the repository id of the target object.".I assume that this is done in order for the ORB to lookup the operation in
the given interface in and be determine parameter type/direction and return
value information.This raises the following issues:
- What exception is raised if the repository id is invalid (ie, can't be
looked up in the IFR, etc...) - "Standard" operations (ie, _is_a, _interface, etc...) are not defined in
the IFR so these need to be handled separately than other operations
Should we also provide a "standard" operation (similar to C++) which takes
something like a NamedValuePair sequence (or better yet a
CORBA::OperationDescription)? - What exception is raised if the repository id is invalid (ie, can't be
Reported: PYTH 1.0b1 — Tue, 22 Feb 2000 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — PYTH 1.0
Disposition Summary:
issue rejected, closed
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT