Key: PLM2-35
Legacy Issue Number: 11232
Status: closed
Source: PROSTEP AG ( Guido Adolphi)
PLM Services 2.0, mantis/07-03-01 Update, Chapter 9.8.7 and Figure 9.95 Cause: The two instances of type Conditional_query named item_use_query and assembly_structure_query use the same boolean value for their attribute condition. Hence, both instances of type Conditional_query shall be combined into one single Conditional_query instance. Furthermore, the type Assembly_structure_query is undefined in the computational model. Instead Item_instance_query shall be used. New Specification Text: In figure 9.95 the instances of type Conditional_query named item_use_query and assembly_structure_query have to be combined into one single Conditional_query instance named item_traversal_query. The named relationship when_true has to be assigned the existing Item_use_query instance, and the named relationship when_not_true has to be assigned an instance of type Item_instance_query. The instance of type Assembly_structure_query has to be removed.
Reported: PLM 1.0.1 — Fri, 27 Jul 2007 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — PLM 2.0b2
Disposition Summary:
In figure 9.95 the instances of type Conditional_query named item_use_query and assembly_structure_query have to be combined into one single Conditional_query instance named item_traversal_query. The named relationship when_true has to be assigned the existing Item_use_query instance, and the named relationship when_not_true has to be assigned an instance of type Item_instance_query. The instance of type Assembly_structure_query has to be removed.
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT