Key: PDME12-1
Legacy Issue Number: 2622
Status: closed
Source: Anonymous
Summary: In the PdmDocumentManagement module, the SecuredFile interface defines operations begin_put_buffer and begin_get_buffer to initiate file content transfers. Each of these operation has a transfer_encoding parameter to determine whther the transfer should proceed in a straight "binary" mode, or in an "8-bit" character/text mode. In 8-bit mode, between UNIX and MS Windows machines, the buffer transfer operations should adjust the end-of-line CR/LF bytes in the file according to the platform conventions. However, there is no defined way for the server to know what type of platform the client is.
The begin_put_buffer and begin_get_buffer operations should have a parameter to tell the server what type of platform the client is.
Reported: PDME 1.0b2 — Tue, 27 Apr 1999 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — PDME 1.2
Disposition Summary:
resolved by 1.2 RTF
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT