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  1. OMG Issue

OTS — Interoperability of childLifetime

  • Key: OTS-38
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4348
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: International Business Machines ( Dr. Ian Robinson)
  • Summary:

    When a child Activity completes, its parent's ActivityCoordinator must
    drive the childComplete/childLifetime SignalSet to produce the
    childComplete signal for distribution to any Actions with an interest in
    this signal. This Signal contains an ActivityInformation structure that
    indicates the GlobalId and final CompletionStatus of the completing
    Activity. (A separate issues proposes that the final Outcome of the child
    Activity also be included in the ActivityInformation). The specification
    leaves it to an Activity service implementation to determine how a parent
    Activity is notified of its child's completion and how the
    ActivityInformation is obtained by the parent's childComplete/childLifetime
    SignalSet. A practical approach is for the child ActivityCoordinator to
    call its parent ActivityCoordinator's
    process_signal_set("org.omg.childComplete") method. If the child Activity
    is active on the thread when childCompletion processing occurs, then the
    SignalSet in the parent can determine the child's GlobalId and
    CompletionStatus via the Current interface. (Note: the completionStatus of
    the child may be modified by the completion SignalSet during completion
    processing; it is the final completionStatus that should be reported
    during childComplete processing).

    An interoperation issue arises if a child Activity is rooted on a node that
    is downstream from the parent's root. In this case, childComplete signals
    need to originate from the parent's root ActivityCoordinator/SignalSet.
    Mechanically, the completing child should inform its (local) parent
    ActivityCoordinator by whichever implementation-specific means it uses and
    then the local (subordinate) parent ActivityCoordinator has to push this
    back up to its ultimate superior for distribution throughout the tree. The
    means by which this happens need to be defined to ensure interoperation
    across different vendors' implementations. One approach would be for the
    subordinate ActivityCoordinator to drive its superior's
    process_signal_set() method, ensuring that the ActivityContext is
    propagated on this flow (in order that the superior can obtain the child's
    GlobalId). A similar consideration holds for childBegin. There are issues
    with this approach; one is that any child Activity, begun at any node
    downstream to its parent, will always have its context imported (as a
    subordinate) to all upstream nodes on which its parent is active.
    A different solution to the problem might be to introduce a new method on
    the ActivityCoordinator interface that can be used during child-completion
    to pass the ActivityInformation object. This would mean that no service
    context would need to flowed and all the information required to deliver
    the childComplete signal would be available to the parent. This could be
    something like:
    void ActivityCoordinator::set_child_completed(in ActivityInformation ai)
    It would still be implementation-specific how that ActivityInformation got
    added to the signal, but that is not an interoperation issue.

  • Reported: OTS 1.0b1 — Fri, 15 Jun 2001 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — OTS 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 20:54 GMT