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  1. OMG Issue

OTS — Predefined SignalSets require predefined Outcomes

  • Key: OTS-11
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4258
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: International Business Machines ( Dr. Ian Robinson)
  • Summary:

    The following section is taken from the Activity srevice specification
    P48 "The Synchronization SignalSet has a similar role to that of
    Synchronization objects within the OTS, i.e., it is invoked before and
    after completion of the
    Activity. Likewise, the completion status of an Activity may be changed by
    the Actions registered with this SignalSet, such that the Activity?s
    outcome when
    postCompletion is called may be different to that when preCompletion was
    invoked. If an Action error occurs during preCompletion (e.g., the
    exception is thrown) then the Activity completion status will be set to

    In order for an Action itself to influence the completion status of an
    Activity during signal processing, it must cause the SignalSet responsible
    for the Signal being processed to set the appropriate completion status.
    This is achieved through the Outcome the Action returns from the
    process_signal call. In the case of the predefined SignalSets, no
    predefined Outcomes are specified so there is no opportunity for an Action
    processing the preCompletion signal to influence the completion status. The
    object model for the Activity service does not encourage an Action to
    invoke methods directly on a SignalSet (such as
    SignalSet::set_completion_status) and Current::set_completion_status may
    not be called after the completion SignalSet has started producing signals.
    Therefore predefined Outcomes, that may be generated by Actions, are
    required for the predefined SignalSets and the behaviour of these
    predefined SignalSets, in terms of how they react to the predefined
    Outcomes, needs to be specified. Per the specification, there is no need
    for the predefined SignalSets themselves to produce an Outcome.

    I propose the following predefined Outcomes: "org.omg.preCompletionSuccess"
    and "org.omg.preCompletionFailed" that may be generated by Actions and
    passed to the Synchronization SignalSet via the ActivityCoordinator calling
    set_response. On receipt of the org.omg.preCompletionFailed Outcome during
    preCompletion, the Synchronization SignalSet should set its completion
    status to CompletionStatusFailOnly.

  • Reported: OTS 1.0b1 — Thu, 5 Apr 2001 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — OTS 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT