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  1. OMG Issue

OTS — PropertyGroup propagation strategy on intermediate servers with no Property

  • Key: OTS-10
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4257
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: International Business Machines ( Dr. Ian Robinson)
  • Summary:

    PropertyGroup propagation
    strategy on intermediate servers with no PropertyGroupManger.

    The following section is taken from the Activity srevice specification
    P58 "A PropertyGroupManager must be registered with each client and server
    that wishes to use the type of PropertyGroup it represents."

    Consider a configuration where objectA on serverA creates an Activity and
    sets PropertyGroup data for PropertyGroup1 and then calls objectB on
    serverB which calls objectC on serverC. The Activity service is configured
    on all 3 servers. ObjectB and objectC can both access the PropertyGroup
    data so long as a PropertyGroupManager for PropertyGroup1 is registered
    with the Activity services on serverB and serverC. This is necessary
    because a PropertyGroupManager is required to unmarshal the PropertyGroup
    context received with the request arriving at each server.
    What the specification does not define is whether or not all received
    PropertyGroup contexts at serverB are propagated on downstream to serverC
    if, for example, the PropertyGroupManager for PropertyGroup1 is not
    registered with the Activity service on serverB. If the PropertyGroup1
    context is never to be used on serverB then it would simplify deployment if
    it were not necessary to configure a PropertyGroup1 PropertyGroupManager on
    that server just to ensure that the PropertyGroupIdentity part of the
    received context PGContext is propagated on downstream. It would also
    improve performance as the PropertyGroup context would not need to be
    unmarshalled, so long as the Activity service copied the marshalled
    PGContext from the inbound request to the outbound downstream request.
    This issue proposes that, in the case where an intermediate server has the
    Activity service configured but not a particular PropertyGroupManager, all
    PropertyGroupIdentities received with an inbound ActivityContext are
    propagated on downstream in any outbound ActivityContexts.

  • Reported: OTS 1.0b1 — Thu, 5 Apr 2001 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — OTS 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    It was agreed that this should be allowed, and text modifications proposed

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT