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  1. OMG Issue

ODM11 — Section: 10.2.2

  • Key: ODM11-118
  • Legacy Issue Number: 13074
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: SAP AG ( Jens Müller)
  • Summary:

    In the fifth line of the OCL expression the specification says: ...self.oclIsTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)... I think it should be: self.oclIsKindOf(RDFSLiteral), otherwise there will be constraint errors if you for example create an instance of PlainLiteral. In the seventh line of the very same OCL expression the specification says: ...self.isTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)... I think it should be: self.oclIsTypeOf(RDFSLiteral) In the second and third line calls to the notEmpty method are made. However, "()" is missing. The same applies to OCL expressions on page 41 and 49!

  • Reported: ODM 1.0 — Fri, 7 Nov 2008 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — ODM 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    1. In section 10.2.2, replace the following OCL (from resolution to 16495):
    context Node inv DisjointPartition:
    (self.resource->notEmpty() implies self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode)) and
    (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) or self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode) or
    self.oclIsTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)) and
    not (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) and self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode)) and
    not (self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode) and self.isTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)) and
    not (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) and self.oclIsTypeOf(RDFSLiteral))

    context Node inv DisjointPartition:
    (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) or self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode) or
    self.oclIsKindOf(Literal)) and
    not (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) and self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode)) and
    not (self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode) and self.isKindOf(Literal)) and
    not (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) and self.oclIsKindOf(Literal))

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT