Key: OCL25-185
Legacy Issue Number: 7543
Status: open
Source: OpenModeling ( Jos Warmer)
35. – [4] The elements in the result value are the elements in the
{1..allElements->size()}->forAll( i:
– literal parts, taking into account that a collection range can result
– elements.
context CollectionLiteralExpEval inv:
let allElements : Bag(Value) = parts->collect(
resultValue.elements->at.name = ’’ and
resultValue.elements->at.value = allElements->
self.kind = CollectionKind::Sequence implies
resultValue.elements->at.indexNr = i )
==> should be
context CollectionLiteralExpEval inv:
let allElements : Sequence(Value) = parts->collect(
Sequence{1..allElements->size()}->forAll( i:
>any(x | x.indexNr = i).value
= allElements->atand
self.kind = CollectionKind::Sequence implies
resultValue.elements->at.indexNr = i )
Reported: OCL 2.0b2 — Thu, 10 Jun 2004 04:00 GMT
Updated: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 14:12 GMT
OCL25 — elements in the result value
- Key: OCL25-185
- OMG Task Force: Object Constraint Language 2.5 RTF