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  1. OMG Issue

OCL25 — OCL 2.1 Loop iterators are not ordered and other inconsistencies

  • Key: OCL25-168
  • Legacy Issue Number: 14639
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The iterators of LoopExp and LoopExpEval are not ordered, but the well-formedness constraints on them use ->at() which is only available for ordered collection. Usage of the AST property is subject to a variety of spelling, ordering and multiplicity inconsistencies.
    Section 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 define extended variants of forAll and exists that have two iterators.

    Figure 8.2 and Figure 13.3 show an unordered * multiplicity for LoopExp.iterator. The positioning of the VariableExp.referredVariable 0..1 multiplicity makes the diagram easy to mis-read.

    Section 8.3.1 LoopExp defines iterator as "The iterator variables. These variables are, each in its turn, " implying an ordered collection.

    Section 8.3.7 LoopExp [2] and [3] use iterator->forAll implying a collection.

    Section 9.3 IteratorExpCS synthesized attributes use iterators->at(1) and at(2) requiring an ordered collection.

    Section 9.3 IterateExpCS concrete syntax supports at most one iterator and one accumulator.

    Section 9.3 IterateExpCS synthesized attributes use iterator.initExpression requiring a non-collection.

    Figure 10.7 shows LoopExpEval.iterators as unordered 1..n.

    Section 10.3.1 LoopExpEval defines iterators as "The names of the iterator variables".

    Section 10.3.7 IterateExpEval [1] uses iterators->at(1) and iterators->at(2) implying an ordered collection with upper bound 2.

    Section 10.3.7 LoopExpEval [1] has a two way if = 1 else, implying the upper bound is 2.

    Section 10.3.7 LoopExpEval [3] uses iterators->at(1) and iterators->at(2) implying an ordered collection with upper bound 2.

    Section 11.9.1 defines the mapping of forAll to iterate for multiple iterators, but IterateExpCS only supports a single iterator.

    The above suggests that the specification should consistently treat iterators as having a 1..2



  • Reported: OCL 2.1 — Sun, 15 Nov 2009 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 14:12 GMT