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  1. OMG Issue

OCL23 — OCL 2.0, 2.1 Loop iterators are not ordered and other inconsistencies

  • Key: OCL23-5
  • Legacy Issue Number: 14198
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Dr. Edward Willink)
  • Summary:

    The iterators of LoopExp and LoopExpEval are not ordered, but the well-formedness constraints on them use ->at() which is only available for ordered collection. Usage of the AST property is subject to a variety of spelling, ordering and multiplicity inconsistencies.

    Section 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 define extended variants of forAll and exists that have two iterators.

    Figure 8.2 and Figure 13.3 show an unordered * multiplicity for LoopExp.iterator. The positioning of the VariableExp.referredVariable 0..1 multiplicity makes the diagram easy to mis-read.

    Section 8.3.1 LoopExp defines iterator as "The iterator variables. These variables are, each in its turn, " implying an ordered collection.

    Section 8.3.7 LoopExp [2] and [3] use iterator->forAll implying a collection.

    Section 9.3 IteratorExpCS synthesized attributes use iterators->at(1) and at(2) requiring an ordered collection.

    Section 9.3 IterateExpCS concrete syntax supports at most one iterator and one accumulator.

    Section 9.3 IterateExpCS synthesized attributes use iterator.initExpression requiring a non-collection.

    Figure 10.7 shows LoopExpEval.iterators as unordered 1..n.

    Section 10.3.1 LoopExpEval defines iterators as "The names of the iterator variables".

    Section 10.3.7 IterateExpEval [1] uses iterators->at(1) and iterators->at(2) implying an ordered collection with upper bound 2.

    Section 10.3.7 LoopExpEval [1] has a two way if = 1 else, implying the upper bound is 2.

    Section 10.3.7 LoopExpEval [3] uses iterators->at(1) and iterators->at(2) implying an ordered collection with upper bound 2.

    Section 11.9.1 defines the mapping of forAll to iterate for multiple iterators, but IterateExpCS only supports a single iterator.

  • Reported: OCL 2.1 — Sat, 22 Aug 2009 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — OCL 2.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    Revised Text:
    In Figure 8.2 and Figure 13.3 change LoopExp.iterator from 0..1 to 1..2

    In Figure 8.2 and Figure 13.3 reposition the VariableExp.referredVariable multiplicity to avoid confusion.

    In Figure 10.7 change LoopExpEval.iterators from 1..n to 1..2 {ordered}


    In Section 8.3.1 LoopExp iterator replace
    The iterator variables
    The ordered set of one or two iterator variables.

    In Section 9.3 IteratorExpCS replace
    IteratorExpCS.ast.iterators->size() = 1
    IteratorExpCS.ast.iterators->at(2).name = VariableDeclarationCS[2].ast.name
    IteratorExpCS.ast.iterators->at(2).type =
    [A] IteratorExpCS.ast.iterators->forAll(initExpression->isEmpty())
    [C, D] IteratorExpCS.ast.iterator.type =
    body.source.oclAsType (VariableExp).referredVariable = IteratorExpCS.ast.iterator
    IteratorExpCS.ast.iterator->size() = 1
    IteratorExpCS.ast.iterator->at(2).name = VariableDeclarationCS[2].ast.name
    IteratorExpCS.ast.iterator->at(2).type =
    [A] IteratorExpCS.ast.iterator->forAll(initExpression->isEmpty())
    [C, D] IteratorExpCS.ast.iterator->at(1).type =
    body.source.oclAsType (VariableExp).referredVariable = IteratorExpCS.ast.iterator->at(1)

    In Section 9.3 IterateExpCS replace
    IterateExpCS.ast.iterator.name = if VariableDeclarationCS[1]->isEmpty() then ‘’
    IterateExpCS.ast.iterator.type =
    IterateExpCS.ast.iterator->at(1).name = if VariableDeclarationCS[1]->isEmpty() then ‘’
    IterateExpCS.ast.iterator->at(1).type =

    In Section 10.3.1 LoopExpEval iterators replace
    The names of the iterator variables in the loop expression
    The ordered set of names of the one or two iterator variables in the loop expression.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT