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MOF2I2 — MOF 2 Issue: Reflexion and Links

  • Key: MOF2I2-46
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5996
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: MEGA International ( Mr. Antoine Lonjon)
  • Summary:

    The problem

    In the reflexion package of MOF2, the proposal for links assumes that
    AssociationEnds are ordered.
    There is an implicit mapping between firstObject and secondObject roles and
    AssociationEnds is based on this assumption:
    FirstObject maps to the first associationEnd
    SecondObject maps to the second associationEnd

    This leads to the following Operation to create links in the Factory Class:

    createLink(association: Association, firstObject : Object, secondObject :
    Object): Link

    At first glance, this solution provides an easy way to identify the link
    members in parameters of link operations. However, the AssociationEnd is
    difficult to read. It is closer to relational concepts than to
    object/association principles.
    One will always have to guess which is the first or second object.
    The modeler who has created the association might remember the order. But
    the user using the association will probably be lost.

    Country:Class - resident:AssociationEnd (First) - Citizenship:Association

    • country:AssociationEnd (Second) - Country:Class

    createLink("Citizenhip": Association, "Thomas": Object : "France" :

    The idea is to benefit from the semantic carried by AssociationEnds
    A link defines members. Each member references a participant object
    according to a role defined by the AssociationEnd.
    Thanks to opposite association of AssociationEnds (aka Property), it is
    possible to identify one end from another. This means that if we create
    links from an AssociationEnd viewpoint, there is no need to order
    The proposal is to order the creation parameters as follow: sourceObject,
    oppositeRole, oppositeObject.
    Of course, this approach only works for binary associations. But the focus
    of AssociationEnd is the first step to take into account nary associations.

    This also highlight that what matters most in Association semantic is the
    role name of AssociationEnds.
    It is usually much more difficult to have a meaningful name for association.
    This is why we can often see names such as "has for ..." which do not carry
    much information about the association.

    All operations on links are redefined as follow:

    createLink (sourceObject : Object, oppositeRole : Property, oppositeObject :
    equivalent to:

    linkedObjects (sourceObject : Object, oppositeRole : Property) :

    LinkExists (sourceObject : Object, oppositeRole : Property, oppositeObject :
    Object) : Boolean

    Proposal Comments
    A better proposal would not use the opposite role but the role attached to
    the object participation to the association.


    But experience shows that this is two much unsual for modelers. This would
    however be the right path for the introduction of nary associations.

  • Reported: MOF2I 1.0 — Fri, 11 Jul 2003 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — MOF2I 2.0b1
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 22:09 GMT