Key: MOF26-21
Legacy Issue Number: 18811
Status: open
Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Mr. Steve Cook)
UML uses operation redefinition quite extensively, but MOF says nothing about what this means, and UML itself leaves it rather open see for example issues 17924 and 15499. UML 2.5 beta leaves it even more open than 2.4.1, which means that MOF needs to be specific for UML to be well-defined.
My suggestion is that MOF requires parameters in redefined operations to have the same number, type, multiplicity, uniqueness and ordering as the parameters in the operation being redefined.
Reported: MOF 2.4 — Wed, 10 Jul 2013 04:00 GMT
Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:41 GMT
MOF26 — MOF issue - MOF says nothing about the semantics of operation redefinition
- Key: MOF26-21
- OMG Task Force: MOF 2.6 Family RTF