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  1. OMG Issue

MED — EventDomain::get_diamonds/0

  • Key: MED-3
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5485
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Ericsson ( Niclas Eklund)
  • Summary:

    The operation get_diamonds/0, CosEventDomainAdmin::EventDomain, seems to
    be incorrectly described (page 2-10):

    "The get_diamonds operation is invoked to retrieve a list of diamonds
    that exist within any topology of channels formed by connections that were
    established between these channels by the target domain. The operation
    accepts no input parameters, and returns as a result a sequence of
    diamonds, whereas each diamond is itself a sequence of member identifiers
    of channels within the domain that are involved in the diamond."

    The IDL-file contains the following the typedefs:
    ... CUT ...
    typedef MemberIDSeq Route;
    typedef sequence<Route> RouteSeq;

    typedef Route Cycle;
    typedef sequence<Cycle> CycleSeq;

    typedef RouteSeq Diamond;
    typedef sequence<Diamond> DiamondSeq;
    .. CUT ..

    The problem is:

    "... each diamond is itself a sequence of member identifiers ..."

    which contradicts:
    typedef RouteSeq Diamond;

    To solve this problem it should be sufficient to change the last sentence
    to something like:

    "The operation accepts no input parameters, and returns as a result a
    sequence of diamonds, whereas each diamond is itself a sequence of paths,
    each path being a sequence of channel member identifiers, that are
    involved in the diamond

  • Reported: MED 1.0 — Fri, 12 Jul 2002 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT