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MARTE11 — MARTE Issue: Overloaded relationship Scenario to Step in Analysis

  • Key: MARTE11-99
  • Legacy Issue Number: 15073
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Carleton University ( Murray Woodside)
  • Summary:

    In the analysis subprofiles a step has two relationships to scenarios:

    1 Containment... a step is always contained in a scenario
    2 Refinement: a step may be optionally be refined by a lower-level scenario

    The GQAM chapter defines one association behavior/steps which is defined
    as containment from the scenario point of view, and as refinement from
    the step point of view. This is navigable and usable, but formally

    Suggested resolution: To be formally correct it requires two associations.
    One defines a collection of steps as the steps of the scenario, the other
    defines a scenario as a refinement of a step.


    Containment: Scenario has association steps, Step has association scenario

    Refinement: Scenario has association parentStep, Step has association

    Alternatively we could explain the overloading in the text and leave the
    profile as it is.

    Needs discussion.

  • Reported: MARTE 1.0 — Sat, 20 Feb 2010 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — MARTE 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    To be formally correct it requires two associations. One defines a collection of
    steps as the steps of the scenario, the other defines a scenario as a refinement
    of a step. Suggestion:
    Containment: Scenario has association steps, Step has association scenario
    Refinement: Scenario has association parentStep, Step has association
    These changes are needed both in the domain model sec 15.2 and the profile
    sec 15.3, and in Appendix F.10 for the encoding of the domain model
    Also, some changes in sec. F.10.3 to synchronize it with sec 15.2 were
    transferred from issue 14435,
    • association Actions renamed steps (consistent with Fig 15.3)
    • association usedResources dropped (not in Fig. 15.3)
    • association inputStream renamed cause (consistent with fig 15.3)
    • association connectors added (consistent with Fig 15.3)
    • attribute priority dropped (it occurs on Step)(consistent with chapter 15) (A) Figure 15.3:
    • add association parentStep - childScenario
    • rename association behavior - steps to scenario - steps
    (B) Section 15.2, Text p 290 para 5:
    Steps and BehaviorScenarios have quantitative attributes as shown in Figure 15.3. A Step
    can be optional (with a probability less than one of being executed), or repeated (with a
    repetition count). It can be refined as another BehaviorScenario (its “behavior”
    association). The “isAtomic” property specifies atomicity of execution (default is false).
    Revised Text (the one new sentence is in red)
    Steps and BehaviorScenarios have quantitative attributes as shown in Figure 15.3. A Step
    can be optional (with a probability less than one of being executed), or repeated (with a
    repetition count). A BehaviorScenario is a collection of Steps, but also a Step can also be
    the parent of a refinement as a more detailed BehaviorScenario (its childScenario). The
    “isAtomic” property specifies atomicity of execution (default is false).
    (C) Fig 15.7 (the profile) also needs to be updated for the second association
    between Step and Scenario:
    • add association parentStep - childScenario
    • modify association behavior - steps to scenario - steps
    (D) Appendix F.10.3 for BehaviorScenario
    The five changes transferred from issue 14435 are included, plus the association
    change between Step and BehaviorScenario. For clarity the new text is in red.
    Original text: Associations
    • root: Step [0..1] Root Step to begin the BehaviorScenario.
    • Actions: Step [0..1] Set of Steps making up the BehaviorScenario.
    • inputStream: RequestEventStream [1..*] RequestEventStream that initiates it.
    • usedResources: Resource [0..*]


    Set of resources used by the scenario UML
    Profile for MARTE, V1.0
    • hostDemand: NFP_Duration [0..1] CPU demand in time units.
    • hostDemandOps: NFP_Real [0..1] CPU demand in operations.
    • priority: NFP_Integer [0..1]
    • respTime: NFP_Duration [0..1] End-to-end delay of a part of an operation.
    • interOccTime: NFP_Duration [0..1] Interval between successive initiations of an
    • throughput: NFP_Rate [0..1] Frequency of initiations of an operation.
    • utilization: NFP_Real [0..1] Fraction of time an operation is busy (throughput times
    delay). For a resource, the fraction of time each unit is busy, times the number of units.
    • utilizationOnHost: NFP_Real [0..1] Fraction of time the host is busy executing this
    Revised text:
    • root: Step [0..1] Root Step to begin the BehaviorScenario.
    • steps: Step [0..1] Set of Steps making up the BehaviorScenario.
    • cause: RequestEventStream [1..*] RequestEventStream that initiates it.
    • parentStep: Step [0..1] Step of which this BehaviorScenario is a refinement (nested
    • connectors: PrecedenceRelation [*] The set of precedence relationships between the
    steps of the scenario
    • hostDemand: NFP_Duration [0..1] CPU demand in time units.
    • hostDemandOps: NFP_Real [0..1] CPU demand in operations.
    • respTime: NFP_Duration [0..1] End-to-end delay of a part of an operation.
    • interOccTime: NFP_Duration [0..1] Interval between successive initiations of an
    • throughput: NFP_Rate [0..1] Frequency of initiations of an operation.
    • utilization: NFP_Real [0..1] Fraction of time an operation is busy (throughput times
    delay). For a resource, the fraction of time each unit is busy, times the number of units.
    • utilizationOnHost: NFP_Real [0..1] Fraction of time the host is busy executing this
    (E) Section F10.17 for Step
    Add the new association between Step and BehaviorScenario Old text:
    • outputRel: PrecedenceRelation [*] Successor relation.
    • inputRel: Step[*]:PrecedenceRelation [*] Predecessor relation.
    • isAtomic: NFP_Boolean [0..1] If true, the step cannot be decomposed any further.
    • blockingTime: NFP_Duration [0..1] Delay inserted into the execution of the Step.
    • repetitions: NFP_Real [0..1] Actual or average number of repetitions of an operation or
    • probability: NFP_Real [0..1] Probability of the step to be executed (useful for
    conditional execution).
    • priority: NFP_Interval [0..1] Step priority.
    Revised text:
    • outputRel: PrecedenceRelation [*] Successor relation.
    • inputRel: Step[*]:PrecedenceRelation [*] Predecessor relation.
    • childScenario: Scenario [0..1] An optional refinement of the behavior of this Step
    • isAtomic: NFP_Boolean [0..1] If true, the step cannot be decomposed any further.
    • blockingTime: NFP_Duration [0..1] Delay inserted into the execution of the Step.
    • repetitions: NFP_Real [0..1] Actual or average number of repetitions of an operation or
    • probability: NFP_Real [0..1] Probability of the step to be executed (useful for
    conditional execution).
    • priority: NFP_Interval [0..1] Step priority.
    (F) Sec, giving the UML definition of GaScenario
    Old text:
    • steps: Step [1..*]
    The set of steps that make up the Scenario.
    New text:
    • steps: GaStep [1..*]
    The set of steps that make up the Scenario.
    • parentStep: GaStep [1..*]
    A GaStep, of which this scenario is a refinement.
    (G) Sec, giving the UML definition of GaStep
    Old text: Associations
    • behavior: GaScenario [0..1]
    A GaScenario that refines a composite Step.
    New text:
    • scenario: GaScenario [0..1]
    The GaScenario that that contains this Step.
    • childScenario: GaScenario [0..1]
    A GaScenario that refines this Step, making it a composite Step.
    Disposition: Resolved

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 23:15 GMT