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  1. OMG Issue


  • Key: MARTE11-62
  • Legacy Issue Number: 14867
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: THALES ( Madeleine Faugere)
  • Summary:

    Two ways of modeling Data existe in AADL: the one using the AADL Data annexe modeling features, the other one relying on a pure structural view.
    The first solution is currently addressed by the MARTE AADL annexe.
    The annexe has to be upgraded to take into account the second way of doing.

  • Reported: MARTE 1.0 — Tue, 15 Dec 2009 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — MARTE 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Replace section A.2.3.4 with
    There are two ways of modeling AADL components, the first one addressing a
    pure architectural design, the second one, based on the Data Annex [SAE
    AS5506 A, Annex Document B: Data Modeling] , will be more dedicated to data
    AADL data component are used to represents different concepts
    • Data component classifier (type and implementation) staying for “data type
    in the source text”. This source text data type can be modeled by a data
    component type declaration with relevant properties without providing
    internal details that will be specified in a data component implementation.
    • Data subcomponents staying for “static data in the source text”. Data
    subcomponents are instances of data classifiers.
    According data classifier features and subcomponent features, the data
    component can represent:
    • A simple type (not necessary primitive) • A structured type (when sub component declared)
    • A class (when subcomponent present and provide subprograms declared)
    • A shared resource (if data access connection specified)
    AADL Primitive Types
    Each AADL primitive type from the AADL data_types packages (i.e. aadlboolean,
    aadlinteger, aadlreal, aadlstring) will have an UML/MARTE primitive type
    equivalent, defined in MARTE Model Library for Primitive Types (Annexe D from
    These primitive types are commonly used in properties specification. Do
    represent them in an architectural view, the data annex based representation
    style must imperatively be followed. <<< see pages 51 - 53 of ptc/2010-08-30 for images>>>

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 23:15 GMT