Key: LWFTF2-3
Legacy Issue Number: 16246
Status: closed
Source: THALES ( Hakim Souami)
There are so many Lwft IDL files from mars/2009-08-02 (machine readable files) and these do not contain any prefix to avoid conflicts with application IDLs (BasicTypes.idl for example may easily conflict with an application IDL).
We propose to follow approach used in CORBA 3.1 orb.idl file (in http://www.omg.org/spec/CORBA/3.1/20030102/orb.idl) and defined one single LWFT.idl to be included by application. The LWFT.idl is to to include all IDL files from mars/2009-08-02 previously prefixed by 'LWFT_'.
The LWFT_xxx.idl files will contain no include directives and no LWFT module (see attachement).
The following LWFT.idl will comply with above recommendations and will comly with post CORBA 3.0 compilers :
// File: LWFT.idl
// From Lightweight Fault Tolerance
#ifndef LWFT_IDL
#define LWFT_IDL
#ifdef PRE_3_0_COMPILER
#include <PortableGroup.idl>
#include <PortableInterceptor.idl>
#include <TimeBase.idl>
#include <orb.idl>
#pragma prefix "omg.org"
import ::CORBA;
import ::PortableGroup;
import ::PortableInterceptor;
import ::TimeBase;
typeprefix LWFT "omg.org"
#endif // PRE_3_0_COMPILER
// This module brings together many files defining the LWFT module.
// It describes interfaces and data types of the Lightweight fault
// tolerance that can be brought into an IDL compilation by "import ::LWFT"
// or in pre-3.0 IDL compilers by the include directive
// "#include <LWFT.idl>".
module LWFT
{ // Basic type definitions #include <LWFT_BasicTypes.idl> // ClientFailoverSemanticsPolicy type and value #include <LWFT_ClientFailoverSemanticsPolicy.idl> // Contrain FT Current interface #include <LWFT_Current.idl> // Naming schemes for Object Groups #include <LWFT_ObjectGroupNames.idl> // ObjectGroupMembershipPolicy type and value #include <LWFT_ObjectGroupMembershipPolicy.idl> // ObjectGroupNameResolutionPolicy type and value #include <LWFT_ObjectGroupNameResolutionPolicy.idl> // interfaces for Process-level replication and process groups #include <LWFT_ServerReplicationManagement.idl> // Locators, ObjectKey decoders for the Forwarding framework #include <LWFT_Forwarding.idl> };
#endif // LWFT_IDL
Reported: LWFT 1.0b2 — Mon, 16 May 2011 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — LWFT 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Follow approach used in CORBA 3.1 orb.idl file (in http://www.omg.org/spec/CORBA/3.1/20030102/orb.idl) and define one single LWFT.idl to be included by application. The LWFT.idl is to include all IDL files from mars/20090802
previously prefixed by 'LWFT_'.The LWFT_xxx.idl files will contain no include directives and no LWFT module (see attachement). -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 23:16 GMT
LWFTF2 — Too many IDL files with no prefix that may conflict with application IDL
- Key: LWFTF2-3
- OMG Task Force: Lw Fault Tolerance (LWFT) FTF 2