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  1. OMG Issue

LCC11 — The language and country codes have been updated by ISO and should be revised accordingly in LCC

  • Key: LCC11-3
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mrs. Elisa F. Kendall)
  • Summary:

    The LCC language codes should be maintained on a regular basis when such changes are made by the Library of Congress (the registration authority for the language codes for ISO 639-2).

    The country codes should also be maintained on a regular basis when revised by the UN / ISO working group.

    This applies strictly to the machine readable files.

  • Reported: LCC 1.0 — Fri, 4 May 2018 23:53 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — LCC 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Update the individuals based on the latest files from ISO

    For ISO-3166, the latest ISO XML file dated Feb 14th, 2019 was automatically processed (using XSLT, checked into GitHub) to create regenerated ISO3166-1-CountryCodes and Regions/ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes-CC files which included updated metadata such as new versionIRIs.

    For M49 the latest spreadsheet was diffed with the previously used one: the only change needed was renaming of Swaziland to Eswatini. The change to North Macedonia was not applied due to it not yet being recognized by ISO.

    For ISO-639 the list of changes from the official Library of Congress site was manually processed.

    Revised text:
    1. In Table 7.2, on page 12, revise the 3rd line in the table (a) from 'lcc-spc-1.0-reg' to 'lcc-spc-1.1-reg', and (b) from '' to ''.

    2. In paragraph 8.2, Module:Languages, first bullet, change '630-4' to '639-4'

    3. In Table 8.4: ISO 639-1 Language Codes Ontology Metadata, (a) change the owl:versionIRI from '' to '', and (b) add the following change note at the end of the table, under the existing change note: ' skos:changeNote The version of this ontology is current as of 14 February 2019, based on the US Library of Congress site.'

    4. In Table 8.5: ISO 639-2 Language Codes Ontology Metadata, (a) change the owl:versionIRI from '' to '', and (b) add the following change note at the end of the table, under the existing change note: ' skos:changeNote The version of this ontology has been revised to reflect addition of the languages Standard Moroccan Tamazight (code zgh) and Montenegrin (code cnr). The codes themselves are current as of 14 February 2019, based on the US Library of Congress site.'

    5. In Table 9.4: ISO 3166-1 Country Codes Ontology Metadata, (a) change the owl:versionIRI from '' to '', (b) add the following change note at the end of the table, under the existing change note: 'skos:changeNote The version of this ontology has been revised to reflect the issues addressed by the LCC 1.1 FTF report. The country codes and related metadata contained herein are current as of the February 2019 revision to the online code set.', and (c) change 'dct:issues' to 'dct:issued' and '2017-07-20T22:26:02.631805+02:00' to '2019-02-14T00:48:51.124818+01:00'.

    6. In Table 9.6: M49 Region Codes Ontology Metadata, (a) change the owl:versionIRI from '' to '', (b) add the following change note to the table: 'skos:changeNote The version of this ontology has been revised to reflect the issues addressed by the LCC 1.1 FTF report. The country codes and related metadata contained herein are current as of the February 2019 revision to the online code set.', and (c) add the following issuance date after the new change note: 'dct:issued 2019-02-14T22:26:02.631805+02:00'

  • Updated: Tue, 8 Oct 2019 17:57 GMT
  • Attachments: