Key: KERML_-44
Status: open
Source: Self ( Jim Ciarcia)
Literal Values
Values of the Feature on each instance are determined either as in or out directions, or both.
In and out discuss 2 concepts of 'determination' of an instances value, and 'use' of an instances value
Is 'inout' ambiguous as to the features determination and use completely or still constrained?
Both 'in' and 'out' require opposite 'determination' than 'use', but can inout allow same 'determination' and 'use'?
To be more clear, can an inout feature be 'determined' 'externally' and 'used' 'externally'?
How is 'inout' different from not providing a directionality constraint?
How does directionality work with specializations like subsetting/redefinition, should there be constraints? -
Reported: KerML 1.0b1 — Sat, 16 Sep 2023 17:58 GMT
Updated: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:28 GMT
- bock-ontological-behavior-modeling-jpl-slides-chas-input-output.pdf 84 kB (application/pdf)
KERML_ — Ambiguity In Directionality InOut semantics
- Key: KERML_-44
- OMG Task Force: Kernel Modeling Language (KerML) 1.0 FTF 2