KerML 1.0b3 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

KERML_ — Association end features are not necessarily consistent with corresponding features of associated classifiers

  • Key: KERML_-21
  • Status: open  
  • Source: NIST ( Mr. Conrad Bock)
  • Summary:

    The textual and abstract syntaxes (at least) for association end features do not relate to the corresponding ones in the associated classes (association ends in SysML1.x/UML sense, see KERML-34 for term definitions), leaving modelers and tool builders only non-standard ways of maintaining consistency between them. The libraries use a feature subsetting for this, but are not required to. For example, in Occurrences::HappensBefore, the earlier/laterOccurrence association end features subset the corresponding predecessors/successors features of the asssociated occurrence class by chaining through the other end feature:

    assoc all HappensBefore specializes HappensLink, Without {
      end feature earlierOccurrence: Occurrence[0..*] ... subsets laterOccurrence.predecessors;
      end feature laterOccurrence: Occurrence[0..*] ... subsets earlierOccurrence.successors; }
    abstract class Occurrence specializes Anything { ...
      feature predecessors: Occurrence[0..*] ... {...}
      feature successors: Occurrence[0..*] ... inverse of predecessors {...} }

    End features can be multiply subset, and do not identify which subsetting maintains consistency with the corresponding features in the associated classes, preventing tool builders from depending on the subsetting pattern to identify the corresponding features of the associated classifiers, even if the pattern were required.

  • Reported: KerML 1.0a1 — Wed, 26 Apr 2023 15:40 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 00:49 GMT