Key: KERML_-18
Status: open
Source: NIST ( Mr. Conrad Bock)
KerML association end textual notation/abstract syntax give multiplicity, ordering, and uniqueness that can be redundantly stated on the corresponding features of associated classifiers (association ends in SysML1.x/UML sense, see
KERML_-16about terms), eg, in Occurrences:Occurrence::suboccurrences [1..*] {...} HappensDuring {end shorterOccurrence [1..*] subsets longerOccurrence.suboccurrences;}
making it possible for multiplicities, ordering, and uniqueness to get out synch between the features, and potentially be inconsistent. See kerml-assoc-redundancy-issue-description-v2.pdf slides attached.
Reported: KerML 1.0a1 — Wed, 26 Apr 2023 14:35 GMT
Updated: Fri, 7 Feb 2025 05:36 GMT
- CartesianMultiplying.svg 198 kB (image/svg+xml)
- CrossMultiplying.svg 190 kB (image/svg+xml)
- CrossSubsetting.svg 179 kB (image/svg+xml)
- kerml-assoc-redundancy-issue-description-v2.pdf 185 kB (application/pdf)
- kerml-assoc-redundancy-issue-description.pdf 164 kB (application/pdf)
- type-math-cartesian-product-1.png 23 kB (image/png)
KERML_ — Redundancy in association end multiplicities, ordering, and uniqueness
- Key: KERML_-18
- OMG Task Force: Kernel Modeling Language (KerML) 1.0 FTF 2