Key: KERML_-14
Status: open
Source: NIST ( Mr. Conrad Bock)
Clause (Control Performances Overview) says
Successions going out of Steps typed by DecisionPerformance or its specializations must:
• ...
• be included in a Feature of its featuringBehavior that unions (see all the outgoing
Successions, and is bound to the outgoingHBLink of the Step (see on feature chaining).Successions coming into Steps typed by MergePerformance or its specializations must:
• ...
• subset a Feature of its featuringBehavior that unions all the incoming Successions, and is bound to the incomingHBLink of the Step.but the Description sections of (DecisionPerformance) and (MergePerformance) say:
All such Successions must subset the outgoingHBLink feature of the source DecisionPerformance.
All such Successions must subset the incomingHBLink feature of the target MergePerformance.
respectively. The same sentences appear in ControlPerformances.kerml as documentation for DecisionPerformance and MergePerformance, respectively, and with other wording in their documentation for outgoingHBLink and incomingHBLink, respectively:
Specializations subset this by all successions going out of a decision step. Specializations subset this by all successions coming into a merge step.
These allow outgoing/incomingHBLink to have values that are not identified by outgoing/incoming successions when none of the successions is traversed. The pattern in the overview above introduces a feature of {featuringBehavior}} (the one featuring the control step) unioning the successions and binds it to a chain through decision/merge to outgoing/incomingHBLink, ensuring the HB links are identified by the successions.
Reported: KerML 1.0a1 — Mon, 24 Apr 2023 14:52 GMT
Updated: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:27 GMT
KERML_ — Decision/MergePerformance element descriptions give incorrect modeling pattern
- Key: KERML_-14
- OMG Task Force: Kernel Modeling Language (KerML) 1.0 FTF 2