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JAV2I13 — Name mapping rules for non-ASCII characters

  • Key: JAV2I13-9
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5772
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: hursley.ibm.com ( Simon Nash)
  • Summary:

    Section of the Java to IDL Mapping spec describes name mapping rules
    for illegal IDL identifier characters. The text implies that only non-Latin 1
    characters are illegal, but in fact non-ASCII characters are illegal in IDL
    identifiers (see section 3.2.3 of the CORBA spec).

    Proposed resolution:

    In section, change "outside of ISO Latin 1" to "outside of ASCII".

  • Reported: JAV2I 1.2 — Fri, 29 Nov 2002 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — JAV2I 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    In section, change "outside of ISO Latin 1" to "outside of ASCII".

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT