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  1. OMG Issue

JAV2I13 — Java Codebase tagged component and POA

  • Key: JAV2I13-5
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5454
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Oracle ( Everett Anderson)
  • Summary:

    The Java to IDL specification uses the IOR TaggedComponent
    TAG_JAVA_CODEBASE to transmit a codebase string used to download stubs
    and ties. Yet, at IOR creation time when using the POA, the ORB may
    not know the implementing servant, so may not be able to determine the
    correct codebase.

    I propose solving this by the creationg of a standard POA Policy for
    the Java codebase component. A POA using this policy will add the
    given codebase string as the TAG_JAVA_CODEBASE component in the IORs
    which it creates. (Someone using a single given POA for supporting
    multiple servant types would of course have to include the codebases
    for all of them.)

    Proposed resolution:

    1. Add a section in CORBA 11.3.7:

    11.3.7.x Java Codebase Policy

    Objects with the JavaCodebasePolicy interface are obtained using the
    ORB::create_policy operation and passed to the POA::create_POA
    operation to specify the TAG_JAVA_CODEBASE TaggedComponent's value
    that should be used in this POA's IORs. The any passed to
    ORB::create_policy should contain a string which is a space-separated
    list of one or more URLs, as described in the Java to IDL mapping
    (formal/01-06-07), Codebase Transmission.

    2. Add the following to the IDL in CORBA 11.4:

    const CORBA::PolicyType JAVA_CODEBASE_POLICY_ID = nn;
    [note to editor: number to be assigned by OMG]

    local interface JavaCodebasePolicy : CORBA::Policy

    { readonly attribute string codebase; }


  • Reported: JAV2I 1.2 — Tue, 9 Jul 2002 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — JAV2I 1.3
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT