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  1. OMG Issue

FUML_ — Additional changes required for structured activity node execution

  • Key: FUML_-4
  • Legacy Issue Number: 15088
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Mr. Ed Seidewitz)
  • Summary:

    Specification: Semantics of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models

    Subclause: ActivityNodeActivationGroup

    Some necessary changes to the specification for ActivityNodeActivationGroup were inadvertently left out of the revised text for the resolution to Issue 14547 approved by the FTF. The additional changes are:

    Added the operation checkIncomingEdges ( in incomingEdges : ActivityEdgeInstance [0..*], in activations : ActivityNodeActivation [0..*] ) : Boolean with the code:

    // Check if any incoming edges have a source in a given set of activations.

    int j = 1;

    boolean notFound = true;

    while (j <= incomingEdges.size() & notFound) {

    int k = 1;

    while (k <= activations.size() & notFound) {

    if (activations.getValue(k-1).isSourceFor(incomingEdges.getValue(j-1)))

    { notFound = false; }

    k = k + 1;


    j = j + 1;


    return notFound;

    In the operation Run, replace the code:

    ActivityEdgeInstanceList incomingEdges = activation.incomingEdges;

    boolean isEnabled;

    if (activation instanceof ActionActivation)

    { isEnabled = ((Action)activation.node).input.size() == 0; }


    { isEnabled = (activation instanceof ControlNodeActivation) | (activation instanceof ActivityParameterNodeActivation); }

    int j = 1;

    while (j <= incomingEdges.size() & isEnabled) {

    int k = 1;

    while (k <= activations.size() & isEnabled) {

    if (activations.getValue(k-1).isSourceFor(incomingEdges.getValue(j-1)))

    { isEnabled = false; }

    k = k + 1;


    j = j + 1;


    if (isEnabled)

    { Debug.println("[run] Node " + activation.node.name + " is enabled."); enabledActivations.addValue(activation); }



    if (activation instanceof ActionActivation |

    activation instanceof ControlNodeActivation |

    activation instanceof ActivityParameterNodeActivation) {

    boolean isEnabled = this.checkIncomingEdges(activation.incomingEdges, activations);

    // For an action activation, also consider incoming edges to input pins

    if (isEnabled & activation instanceof ActionActivation) {

    InputPinList inputPins = ((Action)activation.node).input;

    int j = 1;

    while (j <= inputPins.size() & isEnabled)

    { InputPin inputPin = inputPins.getValue(j-1); ActivityEdgeInstanceList inputEdges = ((ActionActivation)activation).getPinActivation(inputPin).incomingEdges; isEnabled = this.checkIncomingEdges(inputEdges, activations); j = j + 1; }


    if (isEnabled)

    { Debug.println("[run] Node " + activation.node.name + " is enabled."); enabledActivations.addValue(activation); }



  • Reported: FUML 1.0b2 — Thu, 25 Feb 2010 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — FUML 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:


  • Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 08:56 GMT