FUML 1.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

FUML11 — ActivityEdge, ActivityNode & A.5.2 List Add

  • Key: FUML11-1
  • Legacy Issue Number: 13872
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: NASA ( Dr. Nicolas F. Rouquette)
  • Summary:

    Specification: Semantics of a Foundation Subset for Executable UML Models, FTF – Beta 1 (ptc/08-11-03)

    Section: ActivityEdge, ActivityNode & A.5.2 List Add


    The fUML execution engine in clause 8 and the fUML reference implementation [1] are both written according to the Java => bUML mapping specified in appendix A of the fUML specification.

    Unfortunately, this Java => bUML mapping does not take into account the different kinds of containers used fUML because the ListAdd operation (A.5.2) is defined to be the Java equivalent of fUML AddStructuralFeature Value



    This creates a problem in several places where fUML class attributes are defined to be unique; in particular: ActivityEdge::source

    {unique} ActivityEdge::target {unique} ActivityNode::incoming

    {unique} ActivityNode::outgoing {unique}

    The fUML reference implementation [1] loads an fUML model by CMOF reflection.

    This means that it processes each activity edge in three parts:

    1. The activity node at the source of the edge

    2. The activity node at the target of the edge

    3. The edge itself

    #1 and #3 lead to a duplication of the same edge on the outgoing list of the source node.

    #2 and #3 lead to a duplication of the same edge on the incoming list of the target node.

    [1] http://portal.modeldriven.org/content/foundational-uml-reference-implementation

    Proposed resolution:

    The fUML specification should update the Java => bUML mapping to account for the different kinds of containers used for fUML.

    The fUML reference implementation should be updated according to the revised Java => bUML mapping for collections.

    A workaround to this issue for the reference implementation in [1] involves modifying fUML.Syntax.Activities.IntermediateActivities.ActivityEdge as follows:

    public void setTarget(fUML.Syntax.Activities.IntermediateActivities.ActivityNode target) {

    this.target = target;


    • NFR 04/15/2009
    • Because the reference implementation "constructs" the fUML.Syntax model by reflection from the XMI,
    • it turns out that activity edges get a duplication of their source pins because:
    • - once by reflection when creating the ActivityNode whose .incoming edges includes this instance.
    • - a second time this ActivityEdge is constructed by reflection.


    if (!target.incoming.contains(this))

    { target.incoming.addValue(this); }


    { Debug.println("ActivityEdge[" + this.name + "].setTarget(target) this edge is already included in the incoming edge list for target: " + target.getClass().getCanonicalName()+"[" + target.name + "]"); }


    public void setSource(fUML.Syntax.Activities.IntermediateActivities.ActivityNode source) {

    this.source = source;


    • NFR 04/15/2009
    • Because the reference implementation "constructs" the fUML.Syntax model by reflection from the XMI,
    • it turns out that activity edges get a duplication of their source pins because:
    • - once by reflection when creating the ActivityNode whose .outgoing edges includes this instance.
    • - a second time this ActivityEdge is constructed by reflection.


    if (! source.outgoing.contains(this))

    { source.outgoing.addValue(this); }


    { Debug.println("ActivityEdge[" + this.name + "].setSource(target) this edge is already included in the outgoing edge list for target: " + source.getClass().getCanonicalName()+"[" + source.name + "]"); }


  • Reported: FUML 1.0b1 — Thu, 16 Apr 2009 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — FUML 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    This issue seems to be a problem with a specific implementation of fUML, not with the fUML specification itself. The uniqueness of association ends is essentially a constraint that there are no duplicate values on that end. fUML only gives semantics to syntactically valide models for which all well-formedness constraints are satisfied, including implicit constraints like multiplicity and uniqueness, as well as constraints given explicitly in OCL. Any implementation that violates syntactic constraints when loading a model is simply an incorrect implementation. It is not necessary to further complicate the fUML semantic specification or the Java=>bUML mapping to account for this.
    Revised Text: None
    Disposition: Closed, No Change

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT