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FT — FT-FTF Issue: Intelligent factory selection

  • Key: FT-2
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3921
  • Status: open  
  • Source: AT&T ( Robert Gruber)
  • Summary:

    An FT-FTF (Fault Tolerance Finalization Task Force) Issue:

    GOAL: Introduce intelligent factory selection.

    On a single machine (perhaps an N-way multiprocessor, but even for a
    uniprocessor) one might want to have N factories, corresponding to N
    processes that will have replicas created in them. Ideally, only one
    replica for a given group should be started for the entire machine.
    Similarly, if one has several subnets, one might have factories on all
    machines, but ideally only one replica should be started per subnet,
    if appropriate factories are available. If the only factories
    available for a given type happen to be on the same subnet or same
    machine, then it should be possible to specify either that it is OK to
    go ahead with replicas on the same subnet or same machine or it is not
    OK. Alternatively, I might want all replicas to be on the same
    subnet, if possible, to reduce coordination costs, while still
    wanting a different hosts requirement.

    How to extend the specification to enable this feature?

    One proposal is to take advantage of the fact that location names are
    structured. While any structuring is allowed, we could declare that
    if you want to use an intelligent factory selection policy you must
    use names that capture the hierarchical nature of fault domains.
    E.g., for my scenario I could use names that capture
    subnet/host/processor distinctions:

    sA.h1.p1, sA.h1.p2, sA.h2.p1, sA.h2.p2, ... sA.hJ.p1, sA.hJ.p2
    sB.h1.p1, sB.h1.p2, sB.h2.p1, sB.h2.p2, ... sB.hK.p1, sB.hK.p2

    I believe there should be a LocationHints property for types or groups
    that is distinct from the issue of how many actual locations have
    available factories, where hints are like location names but can have
    wildcards. Thus, I could specify sA.. and sB.. as LocationHints
    for type T to indicate that I prefer replicas for type T to be started
    on machines on subnets sA and sB. Note that this is very different
    from giving a list of specific locations. (I certainly do not want to
    specify which processor number to use!) While the set of available
    factories might change frequently, the hints should be relatively

    Assume that as factories are created at specific locations (such as a
    new factory F1 at location sA.h3.p1) they could be registered with a
    FactoryManager. This manager knows all the location names that have
    factories registered for a given group or object type. One algorithm
    to select a location, given a set of existing replica locations and
    possibly some location hints, is to choose a location name that
    matches one of the hints and has the greatest difference from the
    existing names, where a difference in the i'th part of a name
    dominates a difference in the j'th part of the name.

    Alternative algorithms are possible, e.g., one might prefer to keep
    replica groups in the same subnet but on different machines, which
    corresponds to a rule that says equality of the first part of the
    name is the primary determinant, while for positions 2 and on, use the
    greatest difference rule above.

    We could have a QoS property called FactorySelectionPolicy which is a
    string and have some predefined algorithms (+ algorithm names).
    Vendors could define additional algorithms.

    An alternative to having a fixed number of predefined algorithms is to
    introduce a means of describing a whole class of algorithms. Here is
    one approach.

    For a given part, one of 5 requirements holds:
    . NC : no constraint
    . EB : equality best, inequality allowed
    . ER : equality required
    . DB : difference best, equality allowed
    . DR : difference required

    A policy string is a sequence of <requirement> specs separated by dots
    ("."). Each requirement applies to the part at the given location,
    while the final <requirement> applies to the part at its location and
    all subsequent locations. E.g., the spec ER.DB.DR requires equality
    for part 1, prefers difference for part 2 (but not required), and
    requires difference for all remaining parts (3, 4, ... ).

    DR/ER constraints have higher priority than DB/EB constraints (all
    DR/ER constraints must be met).

    When there are optional constraints, a solution that satisfies an
    earlier optional constraint has priority over a solution that
    satisfies a later optional constraint. This is true regardless of how
    many optional constraints can be satisfied, e.g., satisfying the first
    optional constraint but not the second or third has priority over
    satisfying both the second and third optional constraint but not the
    first. The reverse ordering (favoring later optional constraints over
    earlier ones) can be selected by adding a less-than ("<") sign at the
    end of the policy string.

    For solutions that satisfy the same earliest (or latest in the case of
    "<") optional constraint, solutions that satisfy more optional
    constraints have priority over solutions that satisfy fewer optional
    constraints. This rule can be overridden by adding "MIN:" as a prefix
    to the policy string (indicating that the minimal number of optional
    constraints should be met — i.e., at least one optional constraint
    should be met, if possible, but beyond this, solutions that satisfy
    the fewest additional optional constraints are favored).

    The resulting location selection policy implicitly includes a final
    global constraint: the locations chosen for a given group must be

    N.B. When locations have a different number of parts, EB and DB
    requirement are ignored for missing part locations, while if
    one location has a part but another does not, this
    satisfies the DR requirement and fails the ER requirement.

    Some example selection policies:

    [1] NC

    No part is constrained. Due to the implicit global
    constraint, NC selects unique locations,
    but selection is otherwise random.

    [2] DR

    Every part must differ. This policy is not
    often used; it is more common to follow one or more
    DR constraints with some optional constraints
    or with NC, as in the next example.

    [3] DR.NC

    The first part must differ, while there are no
    constraints on the other parts.

    [4] DB

    A difference is best for each part, but not required
    for any given part. The result is a selection algorithm
    that attempts to find a difference in the earliest
    possible part. When several locations differ
    starting at the same earliest part, the algorithm favors
    selecting locations that differ in as many subsequent
    parts as possible.

    [5] MIN:DB

    Like DB, except when several locations differ
    starting at the same earliest part, the algorithm favors
    selecting locations that differ in as few subsequent
    parts as possible.

    [6] DB<

    Like DB, except the algorithm favors
    locations that differ in the latest possible part.

    [7] EB

    Equality is best for every part, but not required
    for any part. The result is a selection algorithm
    that attempts to find equality in the earliest
    possible part. When several locations are
    equal starting at the same earliest part, the algorithm favors
    selecting locations that are equal in as many subsequent
    parts as possible.

    [8] ER.DB

    Equality of the first part required, while differences
    in other parts are preferred but not required, with
    earlier optional differences dominating later ones.

    [9] EB.DB

    Equality of the first part is preferred, while differences
    in other parts are preferred but not required, with
    earlier optional differences dominating later ones
    (EB dominates DB and earlier DB differences dominate
    later ones).

    Consider the subnet.host.processor location naming scheme.

    + DR.NC would choose a different subnet for each replica
    and otherwise choose an arbitrary factory in each subnet.

    + EB.DB would choose the same subnet for all replicas,
    if possible, but if necessary would use different
    subnets. For locations in the same subnet,
    it would attempt to use different hosts and different
    processors, with higher priority given to using
    different hosts.

    + EB.EB.DB< would attempt to find locations that differ
    in the processor part but have the same host and
    subnet, where the processor difference has highest
    priority, host equality has next highest priority, and
    subnet equality has least priority. This would tend to
    cluster replicas as close together as possible, optimizing
    coordination cost while sacrificing some reliability.

    + MIN:DB< has the same effect as EB.EB.DB< :
    it specifies minimal DB matches (beyond 1 match)
    with priority given to later parts over earlier ones.
    MIN:DB< has the advantage that it works with locations
    of any length, while EB.EB.DB< is only useful for
    locations of length 3.

  • Reported: FT 1.0b1 — Thu, 28 Sep 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT