1. OMG Issue

FIBOBE_ — CharteredLegalPerson and StatutoryBody should not be children of JuridicalPerson

  • Key: FIBOBE_-2
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mrs. Elisa F. Kendall)
  • Summary:

    Both chartered legal persons and statutory bodies are kinds of legal entities that are created by governments and are not "firms". As a result, they should not be children of judicial person. They should have a new parent under legal entity, and chartered legal person should be renamed to chartered body.

    Additionally, the definition of sovereign is really weak, although the intent based on what is modeled is to describe sovereign state rather than the concept of “sovereign” independently from the concept of a sovereign state.

    We need sovereign state for FBC, and to relate sovereign state to the country (geopolitical entity) it corresponds to.

  • Reported: EDMC-FIBO/BE 1.0b2 — Thu, 4 Jun 2015 02:45 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — EDMC-FIBO/BE 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    CharteredLegalPerson and StatutoryBody should not be children of JuridicalPerson

    The Business Entities FTF determined that the solution to this issue is much more complex than can be addressed as originally thought.

    The solution includes developing an additional ontology for governmental entities, which will be integrated with BE in a subsequent revision of the specification. The entities mentioned here, CharteredLegalPerson and StatutoryBody would be revised and migrated to this new ontology, likely in BE 1.1.

  • Updated: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:45 GMT