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DTV12 — DTV Issue: Inconsistency between designs of "Duration Value" an

  • Key: DTV12-106
  • Legacy Issue Number: 18989
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: General Electric ( Mark Linehan)
  • Summary:

    The concepts 'time coordinate' and 'duration value' serve similar purposes: one defines how time points are represented in terms of calendars, and the other addresses how durations are represented in terms of measurement units. 'Time Coordinate' is defined as a "representation of a time point" in clause 10.6.1, which is fine. In contrast, 'duration value' is defined in clause 9.2 as being either an 'atomic' or 'compound' duration value, with the former having a number and a unit. So 'duration value' is NOT a representation.

    I believe the final design of 'time coordinate' was decided late in the FTF phase after considerable discussion – and the FTF overlooked converting 'duration value' to a similar design. This should be fixed.

  • Reported: DTV 1.0 — Sun, 6 Oct 2013 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Duplicate or Merged — DTV 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    This issue is identical in text to Issue 18991. See the resolution to Issue 18991.

  • Updated: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:40 GMT