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  1. OMG Issue

DSS2 — Section 11.4.1: Normal RTI MOM administration: item (d)

  • Key: DSS2-76
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5185
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: MITRE ( Ms. Susan Symington)
  • Summary:

    The value of the HLAfederate parameter is not relevant to the other information that is provided in the HLAmanager.HLAfederate.HLAreport.HLAreportSynchronizationPoints or the HLAmanager.HLAfederate.HLAreport.HLAreportSynchronizationPointStatus interactions. These interactions are more like HLAmanger.HLAfederation than HLAmanager.HLAfederate interactions. There is no reason that the RTI should supply the HLAfederate parameter when sending these MOM interactions.

    Similarly, if a federate does not know an object instance, then that object instance has no known class at that federate. Therefore, there is no valid value of the HLAknownClass parameter of a HLAmanger.HLAfederate.HLAreport.HLAreportObjectInstanceInformation interaction that can be sent for this federate and object instance.

    Clause 11.4.1 (d) states that, "When sending an interactions of one of the leaf classes in Table 5, the RTI shall always supply all parameters listed in Table 7 for that interaction class, and no more." It is recommended, however, that the text be amended to allow for the following exceptional cases (described above) in which the RTI shall not supply all the parameters:
    · the HLAfederate parameter of the HLAmanger.HLAfederate.HLAreport.HLAreportSynchronizationPoints interaction shall not be supplied
    · the HLAfederate parameter of the HLAmanger.HLAfederate.HLAreport.HLAreportSynchronizationPointStatus interaction shall not be supplied
    · the HLAknownClass parameter of the HLAmanger.HLAfederate.HLAreport.HLAreportObjectInstanceInformation interaction shall not be supplied if the HLAfederate parameter of this interaction specifies a joined federate that does not know the object instance specified by the HLAobjectInstance parameter of this interaction.

  • Reported: DSS 1.1 — Wed, 10 Apr 2002 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DSS 2.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Amend the text to allow for the exceptional cases, as suggested.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT