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  1. OMG Issue

DOL — Cleanup of encoding and markups

  • Key: DOL-101
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg ( Dr Fabian Neuhaus)
  • Summary:

    Because of its original source, many of the definitions and comments contain Latex markup and symbols that are not properly encoded. This needs to be cleaned up.

  • Reported: DOL 1.0b1 — Fri, 3 Nov 2017 15:27 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DOL 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Encoding corrected, latex annotations removed

    non-UTF 8 symbols were replaced by UTF 8 symbols (e.g., non-UTF quotation marks).
    Latex markup was replaced by equivalent text. Citations were removed, since they are available in the specification text.

    For example the following text:

    AnnotationAssertion(<> <> " The linked data principles (adapted from


    and its paraphrase at


    ) are the following:

    item Use IRIs as names for things.
    item Use HTTP IRIs so that these things can be referred to and looked up (``dereferenced'') by people and user agents.
    footnote{I.e., the IRI is treated as a URL (uniform resource locator).}
    item Provide useful machine-processable (plus optionally human-readable) information about the thing when its IRI is dereferenced, using standard formats.
    item Include links to other, related IRIs in the exposed data to improve discovery of other related information on the Web.


    was replaced by

    AnnotationAssertion(<> <> "Linked data principles, as interpreted herein, are as follows: (a) Use IRIs as names for things; (b) Use HTTP IRIs so that these things can be referred to and looked up (dereferenced) by people and user agents; i.e., the IRI is treated as a URL (uniform resource locator); (c) Provide useful machine-processable (plus optionally human-readable) information about the thing when its IRI is dereferenced, using standard formats; (d) Include links to other, related IRIs in the exposed data to improve discovery of other related information on the Web."^^xsd:string)

    Note that change from language tagged strings to xsd:string is the result of the resolution of ticket DOL-102

    The OWL file is attached to the resolution of DOL-102. The resolution does not affect the specification.

  • Updated: Mon, 2 Apr 2018 18:08 GMT