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DEPL — No type safety when external packages are referenced

  • Key: DEPL-78
  • Legacy Issue Number: 7557
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Zuehlke Engineering ( Frank Pilhofer)
  • Summary:

    The ComponentPackageReference element (6.4.8) allows to reference
    an external package (to be resolved during planning by searching
    repositories), for example to instantiate a subcomponent instance
    from, in an assembly.

    However, there is no type safety here; an assembly design tool has
    no way of validating that the ports (which are referenced by
    connections within the assembly) actually exist in the component
    interface of the referenced component.

    Actually, there is little point in ComponentPackageReference having
    an optional "requiredType"; there should always be a mandatory type
    that the referenced package must support.

    To an assembly design tool, just having the "requiredType" repository
    id is insufficient for validation, the full
    is necessary.

    Proposed resolution:

    In section, ComponentPackageReference Attributes, delete the
    "requiredType" attribute.

    Add a "requiredType" composition association to ComponentInterface-
    Description, with multiplicity 1..1.

    In section, ComponentPackageReference Constraints, delete the
    constraints, and replace with "No constraints." (Rationale: when type
    conformance is mandatory, the existing constraing will always be met.)

    In section, ComponentPackageReference Semantics, replace the
    existing text

    The planner will search one or more repositories for package
    configurations that satisfy all requirements.


    The planner will search one or more repositories for package
    configurations that support the requiredType, and that match the
    requiredUUID and requiredName attributes, if present.

  • Reported: DEPL 1.0b1 — Thu, 1 Jul 2004 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — DEPL 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 02:08 GMT