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DEPL — Submission allows multiple objects with identical names (unique identifiers

  • Key: DEPL-25
  • Legacy Issue Number: 6027
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Rockwell Collins ( David Fitkin)
  • Summary:

    Submission allows multiple objects with identical names (unique identifiers, UUID, URI).

    This creates an enormous potential risk for object identification errors, by allowing duplicate identities to exist. Risks include problems reclaiming resources, naming service references, etc. Some examples of this area of concern are provided below, there might be other instances that have not been identified in this list.

    MOF 2.0 document states
    8.3. Classifier requirements for instantiation
    Names must be unique within Class, Package, and Operation

    Examples: Constraints
    If the UUID attribute is not the empty string, then it must contain a unique identifier for the package; packages with the same non-empty UUID must be identical. Constraints
    If the UUID attribute is not the empty string, then it must contain a unique identifier for the implementation; implementations with the same non-empty UUID must be identical. Constraints
    If the UUID field is non-empty, then it must contain a unique identifier for the artifact; artifacts with the same non-empty UUID must be identical. Constraints
    If the UUID field is non-empty, then it must contain a unique identifier for the interface; interfaces with the same non-empty UUID must be identical.

    Proposed Resolution:
    Correct requirements to disallow any use of duplicate (identical) identifiers in all defined name spaces.

  • Reported: DEPL 1.0b1 — Tue, 29 Jul 2003 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT