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DEPL — Sequence metatype

  • Key: DEPL-1
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5953
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Zuehlke Engineering ( Frank Pilhofer)
  • Summary:

    This is an issue for the Deployment FTF:

    The sequence metatype is not required in MOF. Parameter and
    attribute multiplicities should be used instead.

    Proposed resolution:

    In section 3.3, "Model Diagram Conventions", delete paragraphs 9
    ("This specification is aligned with MOF 1.4 ...") and 10 ("Note-
    Instances of the Sequence metaclass ...") and the diagram preceding
    paragraph 9.

    Add paragraph:

    "This specification uses the notation of placing the multiplicity
    in square brackets after the type, as in "label: String [1]". If
    the multiplicity is omitted from an attribute, parameter or return
    value, the default of one to one is used."

    Throughout the document, replace all occurences of the Sequence
    type with the new notation.

    In section 6.4, "PIM for CCM to PSM for CCM for IDL Transformation",
    in the Generic Transformation Rules subsection, rewrite paragraphs
    3 ("Wherever the multiplicity at the navigable end of a navigable
    association ...") and 4 ("A similar rule is applied for all uses of
    the Sequence data type ...") to read:

    Wherever the multiplicity of an attribute, parameter or return
    value is not exactly one (but 0..1, 1..* or *), a new class is
    introduced to represent a sequence of the type of the attribute,
    parameter or return value. The sequence class has the <<CORBA-
    Sequence>> stereotype, and its name is the english plural of
    the name of the type. The sequence class has a composition
    association with the element class that is navigable from the
    sequence to the element. The composition is qualified with the
    index of the sequence. The attribute, parameter or return value
    is then replaced with an attribute, parameter or return value,
    respectively, with the same name as before, but with the type
    being the newly introduced sequence class and the exactly one
    (1..1) multiplicity.

    A similar rule is applied to all navigable association or
    composition ends whose multiplicity is not exactly one (but
    0..1, 1..* or *): a new class is introduced to represent a
    sequence of the class at the navigable end, this sequence
    class is defined as described above. The original association
    or composition end is then replaced with a navigable association
    or composition end, with the same role name as before, at the
    new sequence class, with a multiplicity of exactly one (1..1).
    According to the rules in the UML Profile for CORBA, these
    associations and compositions will then map to a structure
    member in IDL, its type being a named sequence of the
    referenced type.

    Excepted from the two rules above are attributes, parameters,
    return values or navigable association or composition ends
    where the type is String, unsigned long or Endpoint, Instead
    of defining new sequence types, the existing types in the
    CORBA package are being used; see below.

    In section 6.4, "PIM for CCM to PSM for CCM for IDL Transformation",
    in the Special Transformation Rules subsection, rewrite the items
    for "Sequence(String)", "Sequence(unsigned long)" and "Sequence(End-
    point)" to talk about "Sequence of String", "Sequence of unsigned
    long" and "Sequence of Endpoint", respectively.

  • Reported: DEPL 1.0b1 — Thu, 19 Jun 2003 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT