DDS-RPC 1.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

DDSRPC11 — Mapping of one single Topic per Service does not work well with DDS Security

  • Key: DDSRPC11-1
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Mr. Alejandro Campos)
  • Summary:

    This issue has also been entered into DDS-Security as the solution could also involve changes to that specification. See:

    DDS-RPC maps each DDS-Service to a single (unkeyed) Topic-pair (request topic & reply Topic).

    DDS-Security provides access control per Topic and per Instance (Key). Moreover, the builtin plugins only provide access control per Topic.

    With these mappings is it not possible to configure access control per operation/method in the service. This is a common requirement for many service definitions.

    One way to overcome this would be to provide a mapping where each a Service would map to multiple Topic pairs. E.g. one Topic pair per method/operation. That way it would be possible to separately grant permissions to call operations on a service or to implement operations on a service.

    The mapping of a Topic pair per method/operation would also setting different Qos per operation...

    Alternatively one could

  • Reported: DDS-RPC 1.0 — Tue, 28 Aug 2018 23:45 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 24 Jun 2020 17:36 GMT