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  1. OMG Issue

DDS4CCM11 — Editorial corrections

  • Key: DDS4CCM11-18
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Airbus Group ( Mr. Oliver M. Kellogg)
  • Summary:

    p16 7.3.6 cont'd

    [19] context ConsumesDe inv:
    component.contents->includesAll (consumess)

    -> context ConsumesDef

    p18 7.3.6 cont'd

    [36] Contraints [33], [34], and [35] apply recursively to valuetype members that are valuetypes.

    -> Constraints

    p18 7.3.6 cont'd

    [33, 34, 35, 36] isAcceptableKeyType (type)
    isAcceptableKeyType (valueType : ValueDef) : Boolean
    { valueType.contents.forAll
    ( c | c.oclIsTypeOf(ValuefMemberDef) implies c.OclAsType (ValueMemberDef).isPublicMember)

    -> c.oclIsTypeOf(ValueMemberDef)

    -> c.oclAsType (ValueMemberDef)
    (using lowercase "o" at c.oclAsType)

    p19 top

             result = home.key
    endi f }

    -> endif }

    p32 paragraph below Figure 7.16, last sentence

    The Binding metaclass has two attributes: “name” (the name of the Binding) and “CCMQoS
    metamodel: Bindingmandatory” (if “true,” then the QoS property is bound in any case).

    -> Change “CCMQoS metamodel: Bindingmandatory” to “mandatory”

    p44 CORBAUnion example

            enum Contents

    The delimiter for enum values is a comma; the value list should be:


    p45 Figure 8.9 - Union example (a)

    -> Remove class «CORBAUnion» "Reading", it is redundant to fig. 8.10

    p45 Figure 8.10 - Union example (b)

     │                      «CORBAUnion»                        │      
     │                        Reading                           │      
     │ «CORBASwitch» discriminator: Contents                    │      
     │ «CORBACase» a_long: long {lable=INTEGER_CL}              │      
     │ «CORBACase» a_double: double {lable=FLOAT_CL, DOUBLE_CL} │
     │ «CORBACase» an_any: any {lable=default}                  │      

    "lable" -> "label"

    p45 CORBAStruct example

            struct Problem
                  string expression;
                  Fraction result;
                  Boolean correctness;

    -> boolean correctness;
    (lowercase "b" at "boolean")

    p49 CORBAArray list 1st bullet 4th sentence

    • Named by a typedef declaration arrays are represented by the UML DataType [...]
      [...] The value of the “tag „index” is a list of integers separated by comma [...]

    -> The value of the tag “index”

    p62 Constraints

    [43-4] Contraints [43-1], [43-2], and [43-3] apply recursively to [...]

    -> Constraints

    p62 Constraints

    [43-1, 43-2, 43-3, 43-4] isAcceptableKeyType(type)

    isAcceptableKeyType (valueType : ValueDef) : boolean
    { valueType.contents.forAll (c | c.oclIsTypeOf(ValuefMemberDef) implies
    c.OclAsType(ValueMemberDef).isPublicMember) and

    -> c.oclIsTypeOf(ValueMemberDef)

    -> c.oclAsType(ValueMemberDef)
    (with lowercase "o" at c.oclAsType)

    p63 8.2.3 Example

            typedef enum PhilosopherState

    Use of `typedef` in this context is archaic. Omit `typedef`:

            enum PhilosopherState

    p63 8.2.3 Example

            eventtype StatusInfo {
                  public  string name;
                  public  PhilosopherState state;
                  public  long secondesSinceLastMeal;

    -> secondsSinceLastMeal

    p66 Figure 8.25 bottom left

            │   <<enumeration>>   │
            │  ComponentCategory  │
            │ ▱ session           │
            │ ▱ entity            │
            │ ▱ process           │
            │ ▱ sevice            │
            │ ▱ extension         │

    -> service

    p71 paragraph before 8.4.2

    [...] All these files are represented using a UML Artifact with stereotypes
    <<CORBAAComponentFile>>, <<CORBAAIDLFile>>, <<CORBAAContainedFile>>, and <<CORBAADependentFile>>.

    -> CORBAComponentFile , CORBAIDLFile , CORBAContainedFile , CORBADependentFile

    p71 Table 8.4 rightmost column header Const-raints

    -> Constraints

    p82 Class2Interface

    Class2Interface (cl, itf)
    FORALL UML1Class cl WHERE c.stereotype = "CORBAInterface" || "CORBAHome“
    CREATE UML2Interface itf
    SETTING itf.stereotype = cl.stereotype, =, itf.attribute = cl.attribute, itf.operation = cl.opertaion,

    -> cl.operation

    p86 9.2.1 example, cont'd

          interface RetrieveRadarData {
              /* callculates the List of radar contacts visible for a given position of a Radar */

    -> calculates

  • Reported: CCCMP 1.0 — Tue, 14 Apr 2020 08:30 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 18:53 GMT