Key: DDS4CCM11-1
Legacy Issue Number: 17399
Status: open
Source: Northrop Grumman ( Trent Nadeau)
The name patterns in the normative XML schema in Annex C do not support underscores. For detailed or lengthy profile names (especially including internal acronyms), using underscores significantly improves readability.
In addition, the elementName type is used both for the name and base_name attributes of the qosProfile type; however, the pattern for the elementName type does not support scoping, which is needed for inheritance between profiles in different libraries.
In order to address these, I propose that the elementName and topicNameFilter patterns be changed from:
"([a-zA-Z0-9 ])+"
The latter is the currently commented-out pattern in the schema with the addition of the underscore.
Reported: DDS4CCM 1.0 — Wed, 30 May 2012 04:00 GMT
Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 11:15 GMT
DDS4CCM11 — Name patterns should support underscores and scoping
- Key: DDS4CCM11-1
- OMG Task Force: DDS for Lightweight CCM 1.0 CORBA Component Model joint RTF