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  1. OMG Issue

DDS15 — Add several with_profile methods

  • Key: DDS15-7
  • Legacy Issue Number: 15904
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Remedy IT ( Johnny Willemsen)
  • Summary:

    DDS4CCM adds support for qos xml files. There is no api in dds to create a dp/sub/pub/rd/wr with a qos given from the xml file. We propose to add the following methods to the DDS IDL to create dds entities with a qos xml profile.

        local interface DomainParticipant : Entity {
            Publisher create_publisher_with_profile(
                in string library_name,
                in string profile_name,
                in PublisherListener a_listener,
                in StatusMask mask);
            Subscriber create_subscriber_with_profile(
                in string library_name,
                in string profile_name,
                in SubscriberListener a_listener,
                in StatusMask mask);
            Topic create_topic_with_profile(
                in string topic_name,
                in string type_name,
                in string library_name,
                in string profile_name,
                in TopicListener a_listener,
                in StatusMask mask);
        local interface DomainParticipantFactory {
            DomainParticipant create_participant_with_profile(
                in DomainId_t domain_id,
                in string library_name,
                in string profile_name,
                in DomainParticipantListener a_listener,
                in StatusMask mask);
            ReturnCode_t set_default_participant_qos_with_profile(
                in string library_name,
                in string profile_name);
        local interface Publisher : Entity {
            DataWriter create_datawriter_with_profile(
                in Topic a_topic,
                in string library_name,
                in string probile_name,
                in DataWriterListener a_listener,
                in StatusMask mask);
        local interface Subscriber : Entity {
            DataReader create_datareader_with_profile(
                in TopicDescription a_topic,
                in string library_name,
                in string profile_name,
                in DataReaderListener a_listener,
                in StatusMask mask);
  • Reported: DDS 1.2 — Tue, 21 Dec 2010 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Mon, 5 Aug 2019 13:38 GMT