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  1. OMG Issue

DDS15 — : #define HANDLE_TYPE_NATIVE long typedef HANDLE_TYPE_NATIVE InstanceHandle_t;

  • Key: DDS15-14
  • Legacy Issue Number: 14165
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Remedy IT ( Johnny Willemsen)
  • Summary:

    The DDS spec defines: #define HANDLE_TYPE_NATIVE long typedef HANDLE_TYPE_NATIVE InstanceHandle_t; We see that some vendors use long, other a struct containing an octet array. This is causing problems when integrating DDS into CCM. A CORBA::Long is passed by value, a struct is passed as const &. At least the way the InstanceHandle_t is passed to methods and returned should be the same. We propose to change this type to: struct NativeInstanceHandle_t

    { // Vendor defined }

    ; typedef NativeInstanceHandle_t InstanceHandle_t; That way we always have a struct passed as const&.

  • Reported: DDS 1.2 — Thu, 30 Jul 2009 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 00:03 GMT