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  1. OMG Issue

CTS213 — Usage Context Binding Inappropriately Expressed

  • Key: CTS213-2
  • Legacy Issue Number: 18519
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Phast ( Ana Estelrich)
  • Summary:

    The Usage Context (in the PIM the applicableContext) is represented as an attribute of the ConceptDomainBinding class. applicableContext - a realm or context in which the particular binding applies. If not present, the binding applies in any context not stated in another binding.
    In the SFM it is represented as a class entirely apart providing detailed information about the binding. If we have two different value sets belonging to the same Concept Domain but with different usage contexts, this cannot work. Moreover, in most implementation guides, the Concept Domains are not specified, indicting just the Usage Context as Concept Domains are something very specific to HL7 (they can be inferred), and the Usage Contexts are expressed as OIDs and not as URIs (enforcing the fact that we need the possibility to simultaneously define an entity via an URI and an OID)

    Use Case:
    The value set epSOSActiveIngredient consists of the whole ATC and it is the most important piece of information in the medication identification in epSOS. The same value set is being used in 3 different documents in 4 different sections with 4 different entries:

    Prescription Item Entry
    Dispensed Medicine Entry
    Medication Item Entry
    Allergy & Intolerance Concern Entry

    Prescription Section
    Dispensation Section
    Medication Summary Section
    Allergies and Other Adverse Reactions Section

    In the follwing documents:
    Patient Summary
    Patient Summary

    The corresponding Concept Domain is EntityCode and the subdomain is ActiveIngredientDrugEntityType for all four Usage Contexts; however they are entirely different. Logged: https://github.com/cts2/cts2-specification/issues/146

  • Reported: CTS2 1.0 — Fri, 1 Mar 2013 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT