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CPP12 — Requiring ref counting in ServantBase

  • Key: CPP12-34
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4114
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Objective Interface Systems ( Mr. Bill Beckwith)
  • Summary:

    The current requirement that the default implementations of _add_ref
    and _remove_ref in ServantBase do nothing creates several problems:

    1. The text in the C++ mapping that states that _remove_ref
    must be called on a servant means nothing unless the ref
    counting mix-in was used by the servant author.

    2. The intended semantics of _var types as "smart pointers"
    is upheld only if the servant author goes to the extra
    step of using the ref counting mix-in.

    3. In many places the C++ mapping explicitly or implicitly
    states that _var types will recover memory for the application


    Client code frequently will use the object reference
    variable type (A_var) because a variable will
    automatically release its object reference when it is
    deallocated or when assigned a new object reference.


    When a _var is passed as an out parameter, any
    previous value it refers to must be implicitly

    In addition, there are many places in the C++ mapping where
    the specification of _var types for arrays, structs, strings,
    sequences, type Any, type codes, value types, value boxes,
    value factories, etc. guarantees that the memory will be
    reclaimed when the _var goes out of scope. This makes it
    easy for users to believe that all _var types will release
    storage for the objects that point to.

    Benefits of Proposed Resolution:

    Users can depend on ORB's to manage servant memory by default
    rather than by exception.

    Specification text that promises or implies automatic memory
    reclamation need not change.

    Existing user code will still compile.

    Revised Text:

    Replace the text in section 1.36.1 beginning with the sentence:

    Servant instances may implement reference counting to prevent
    themselves from being destroyed while the application is
    still using them.

    and section 1.36.2 in its entirety with:

    Servant instances may implement reference counting to prevent
    themselves from being destroyed while the application is still
    using them. Servant reference counting is performed using the
    _add_ref and _remove_ref functions declared in ServantBase. The
    default implementations of _add_ref and _remove_ref supplied by
    ServantBase provide true reference counting. An instance of a
    servant class derived from ServantBase initially has a reference
    count of one. Invoking _add_ref on the servant instance
    increases its reference count by one. Invoking _remove_ref on
    the servant instance decreases its reference count by one; if the
    resulting reference count equals zero, _remove_ref invokes delete
    on its this pointer in order to destroy the servant. For ORBs
    that operate in multi-threaded environments, the implementations
    of _add_ref and _remove_ref that the ServantBase class provides
    shall be thread-safe.

    ServantBase supports copy construction and the default assignment
    operation. Copy construction always sets the reference count of
    the new servant instance to one. The default assignment
    implementation merely returns *this and does not affect the
    reference count.

    For servants that require that servants are not reference
    counted, these functions are virtual and thus may be overridden
    by derived servant classes. A default mix-in class is also
    provided to remove the reference counting in the PortableServer
    namespace; please see Section 1.36.2, "Servant No Reference
    Counting Mix-In," on page 1-??? for more details. Details
    concerning POA and application responsibilities with respect to
    reference counting can be found in Section 1.36.4, "Servant
    Memory Management Considerations," on page 1-???.

    Note that for applications that depended on the the
    RefCountServantBase provided in previous revisions of this
    specification ORBs must provide a default implementation of this
    mix-in class in the PortableServer namespace that essentially
    does nothing:

    // C++
    namespace PortableServer
    class RefCountServantBase : public virtual ServantBase

    { public: ~RefCountServantBase(); protected: RefCountServantBase(const RefCountServantBase&); RefCountServantBase& operator=(const RefCountServantBase&); private: // ...other implementation details... }



    1.36.2 Servant No Reference Counting Mix-In

    The PortableServer namespace also provides a standard servant
    mix-in class to remove the reference counting:

    // C++
    namespace PortableServer
    class NoRefCountServantBase : public virtual ServantBase
    virtual void _add_ref() {}
    virtual void _remove_ref() {}
    NoRefCountServantBase() {}
    NoRefCountServantBase(const NoRefCountServantBase&) {}
    NoRefCountServantBase& operator=(const NoRefCountServantBase&);
    // ...other implementation details...

    The NoRefCountServantBase mix-in class overrides the inherited
    _add_ref and _remove_ref functions it inherits from ServantBase,
    in order to override and remove the default reference counting in

  • Reported: CPP 1.1 — Thu, 6 Apr 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — CPP 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    see below

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT