CPP11 1.1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

CPP1111 — Early detection of bound violation on bounded types

  • Key: CPP1111-14
  • Legacy Issue Number: 18453
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Airbus Group ( Mr. Oliver M. Kellogg)
  • Summary:

    Addressee: IDL to C++11 1.1 RTF <idl2cpp11-rtf@omg.org>
    Nature: Enhancement
    Summary: Early detection of bound violation on bounded types

    In the IDL to C++11 Mapping v1.0 (formal/13-02-04), the sections
    6.9, 6.10, and 6.11 describe the mapping for string, wstring, and
    sequence types, respectively. These sections also address the bounded
    variant of those types:

    " Implementations must (at run time) detect attempts to pass a
    [string|wstring|sequence] value that exceeds the bound as a parameter
    across an interface. It must raise a BAD_PARAM system exception to
    signal the error. "

    In practice, the point at which such a value is passed into an interface
    method may be far away from the assignment causing a bound violation,
    which makes the error source hard to find.

    I propose doing a bound check not only at interface methods but also
    at the setter functions for struct, union, and valuetype members.

    The section quoted above could thus be extended as follows:

    " Implementations must (at run time) detect attempts to pass a
    [string|wstring|sequence] value that exceeds the bound as a parameter
    across an interface, or passed to a setter method of a struct, union,
    or valuetype. It must raise a BAD_PARAM system exception to
    signal the error. "

    Furthermore, the mapping standard does not define the bound check
    behavior for arrays and sequences of bounded types.
    IMHO the mapping standard should make explicit that the bound check
    shall be performed on each bounded-type element of an array or sequence.


    // IDL
    typedef string<12> string12_t;
    typedef string12_t string_arr_t[2][3];
    typedef sequence<string12_t, 4> string_seq_t;
    struct struct_t

    { string_arr_t sarr; string_seq_t sseq; }

    The sarr() and sseq() setter methods generated for struct_t should
    iterate over their input parameter and perform the bound check on
    each element. Similar checks should happen in the explicit constructor
    which accepts values for each struct member.

  • Reported: CPP11 1.0 — Wed, 13 Feb 2013 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — CPP11 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Adding the bounds check to the place where the bounded type is used leads to
    inconsistent behavior for users. After discussion we decided to map bounded types
    (string/wstring/sequence) to a distinct type and that this type could do a bounds check.
    The exact type doesn’t need to be standardized because bound types can only be used
    through a typedef in IDL and never are used directly by the programmer. Because the
    standard containers don’t have the concept of bounds enforcing a bound will be very
    hard to accomplish on all places.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT