CORBA 3.5b1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

CORBA35 — When does a multiassociation TcUse know that it has been finished with?

  • Key: CORBA35-305
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2916
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Ericsson ( Neill Jones)
  • Summary:

    The creation of a TcUser interface with multiple associations does not have
    a standardised way for destruction.

    Proposed solutions

    1. Add a destroy() method to TcUser
    2. Explicitly state in the RFP that the CosLifeCycle::destroy() method should
    be called once the object is no longer required.

  • Reported: CORBA 2.3.1 — Wed, 22 Sep 1999 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:56 GMT