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  1. OMG Issue

CORBA34 — Generic connectivity for Receptacles, Emitters, Publishers

  • Key: CORBA34-49
  • Legacy Issue Number: 7556
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Zuehlke Engineering ( Frank Pilhofer)
  • Summary:

    The CCMObject interface contains numerous operations for generic
    connection management (in addition to the type-specific operations
    defined by equivalent IDL for a component).

    However, there's a separate set of "connect" and "disconnect"
    operations for each kind of port, i.e., receptacles, emitters and
    publishers. This is inconvenient for generic software that treats
    ports generically, such as the deployment infrastructure in an
    implementation of the Deployment and Configuration specification.

    The set of operations might even get larger in the future, when
    Streams for CCM becomes available.

    I thus propose to add generic "connect_feature" and "disconnect_
    feature" operations that is able to interconnect compatible ports
    regardless of the type of port.

    Proposed resolution:

    In section 1.11.1, "CCMObject Interface," add the following two
    operations to the CCMObject interface:

    module Components {
    interface CCMObject : Navigation, Receptacles, Events

    { Cookie connect_feature (in FeatureName name, in Object connection) raises (InvalidName, InvalidConnection, AlreadyConnected, ExceededConnectionLimit); void disconnect_feature (in FeatureName name, in Cookie ck) raises (InvalidName, InvalidConnection, CookieRequired, NoConnection); /* other operations as before */ }


    Add the following explanation to the same section:


    The connect_feature operation connects the object reference
    specified by the connection parameter to the component feature
    specified by the name parameter. The feature must be either a
    receptacle, emitter or publisher port.

    If the feature identified by the name parameter is a receptacle
    port, the connect_feature operation acts equivalent to calling
    the connect operation on the Receptacles interface.

    If the feature identified by the name parameter is an emitter
    port, the connect_feature operation acts equivalent to calling
    the connect_consumer operation on the Events interface. A nil
    "cookie" value is returned.

    If the feature identified by the name parameter is a publisher
    port, the connect_feature operation acts equivalent to calling
    the subscribe operation on the Events interface.

    If the feature identified by the name parameter is neither
    receptacle, emitter or publisher port, or if the component does
    not have any feature by that name, the InvalidName exception is


    The disconnect_feature operation dissolves the connection
    identified by the ck cookie to the component feature specified
    by the name parameter.

    If the feature identified by the name parameter is a receptacle
    port, the disconnect_feature operation acts equivalent to calling
    the disconnect operation on the Receptacles interface.

    If the feature identified by the name parameter is an emitter
    port, the disconnect_feature operation raises the InvalidConnection
    exception if a non-nil cookie is passed as the ck parameter;
    otherwise, it acts equivalent to calling the disconnect_consumer
    operation on the Events interface.

    If the feature identified by the name parameter is a publisher
    port, the disconnect_feature operation acts equivalent to calling
    the unsubscribe operation on the Events interface.

    If the feature identified by the name parameter is neither
    receptacle, emitter or publisher port, or if the component does
    not have any feature by that name, the InvalidName exception is

  • Reported: CORBA 3.0.3 — Thu, 1 Jul 2004 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — CORBA 3.4
  • Disposition Summary:


    This proposal was generated automatically by request of the Task Force Chair Adam Mitz.

  • Updated: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 21:59 GMT