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  1. OMG Issue

CORBA3 — Inconsistent definition of semantics of RebindPolicy?

  • Key: CORBA3-68
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5587
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Floorboard Software ( Jonathan Biggar)
  • Summary: states:

    > REBIND is raised when the current effective RebindPolicy, as described in
    > Section, interface RebindPolicy on page 22-5, has a value of
    > NO_REBIND or NO_RECONNECT and an invocation on a bound object reference results
    > in a LocateReply message with status OBJECT_FORWARD or a Reply message with
    > status LOCATION_FORWARD. This exception is also raised if the current effective
    > RebindPolicy has a value of NO_RECONNECT and a connection must be re-opened.
    > The invocation can be retried once the effective RebindPolicy is changed to
    > TRANSPARENT or binding is re-established through an invocation of
    > CORBA::Object::validate_connection.

    but says:

    > If the effective Policy of this type has a rebind_mode value of NO_REBIND, the
    > ORB will raise a REBIND system exception if any rebind handling would cause a
    > client-visible change in policies. This could happen under the following
    > circumstances:
    > o The client receives a LocateReply message with an OBJECT_FORWARD status and a
    > new IOR that has policy requirements incompatible with the effective policies
    > currently in use.
    > o The client receives a Reply message with LOCATION_FORWARD status and a new
    > IOR that has policy requirements incompatible with the effective policies
    > currently in use.

    So the former says that a REBIND exception always occurs a rebind is
    necessary (and NO_REBIND is set), but the latter says that a REBIND
    exception only occurs when any client-visible policies would change.

    Which one is correct?

    Also, it is not clear from the specification whether an invocation on a
    new object reference that has never been bound must fail if RebindMode
    is not TRANSPARENT, forcing the use of validate_connection, or whether
    the first initial binding can proceed without the use of

  • Reported: CORBA 3.0 — Tue, 20 Aug 2002 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — CORBA 3.0.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT