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CORBA26 — Intent of Components::Events::(un)subscribe to bypass the notif. service ?

  • Key: CORBA26-40
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3938
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Open Networks Engineering ( Jean-Christophe Dubois)
  • Summary:

    a component wants to publish an event. So, it calls
    Components::Notification::Event::create_channel(). The container contact the
    (remote) Notification service, create a dedicated channel, connect to it and
    return an EventConsumerBase to be used by the component to push any event to
    the channel. Each time the push() method is called on the EventConsumerBase
    it will create a structured_event and push it to the notification channel.

    Now, another component (in another container/memory space/system) wants to
    receive these events. So it calls Components::Event::subscribe() on the
    first component passing a reference to an EventConsumerBase. The component
    internally calls Components::Notification::Event::subscribe() passing the
    remote EventConsumerBase reference. So now the container has to create a
    (local) strutured_push_consumer and connect it to the channel it has
    created. By doing this any event that it send to the channel will be bounced
    back to it so that it can then push them to the (remote) EventConsumerBase
    that have subscribed to the publish port.

    This scenario doesn't seem right to me because the notification service is
    then useless as all events are bounced back to the publisher. The container
    could just call the push() method on each registered EventConsumerBase.

    What seems to be really needed is a way to pass the reference to the
    NotificationAdmin back to the second component so that the second component
    can then subscribe through its own container to the Notification channel.

    Another possiblity would be that the subscribe call accept a (remote)
    strutured_push_consumer as parameter instead of the EventConsumerBase.

    The last solution is that the publisher port is not designed to work with
    the notification service but on its own.

    I am certaimly missing something!!!!!

    Could you explain how it is supposed to work?

  • Reported: CORBA 2.4 — Thu, 5 Oct 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — CORBA 2.6.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    rejected, see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT