Key: CMMN-1
Legacy Issue Number: 18883
Status: closed
Source: University of Applied Sciences of Zwickau ( Ralf Laue)
For timeExpression, a string conforming to the ISO-8601 format is allowed.
While this format would allow time events occurring at a given point of time, it is impossible to specify time events that occur after a given period of time that starts with a state change of an instance.
For example, it would be impossible to specify that a time event occurs five days after an incoming invoice arrived.
Suggestion: TimerEventListener should contain another attribute that allows to specify a point of time when the duration given in timerExpression starts. This point of time should correspond to a state change of an instance. -
Reported: CMMN 1.0b1 — Thu, 5 Sep 2013 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — CMMN 1.0
Disposition Summary:
Modify TimerEventListener Metamodel (Figure 6, section 5.4.2) to include references to PlanItem and CaseFileItem lifecycle state changes that triggers the start of a TimerEventListener
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT
CMMN — Expand TimeEventListener
- Key: CMMN-1
- OMG Task Force: Case Management Model and Notation 1.0 (CMMN 1.0) FTF