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CAD11 — different tessellation structures for different kind of entities

  • Key: CAD11-7
  • Legacy Issue Number: 5850
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    There are some different tessellation structures for different kind of entities (geometric and topologic) and some are for both (e.g. EdgeTessellationStruct). Three of the four structs have a obj_ref member with type Object.

    Issues: 1. The type Object for obj_ref is too generic. 2. Some of the tessellation structs are for the use with one single interface (ConnectedFaceTessellationStruct -> Body) while some others are used in more than one interface (EdgeTessellationStruct -> Edge, Curve). 3. In some cases the obj_ref member of a single tessellation struct references a geometric entity (Curve, Surface), in others a topologic entity (Edge, Face, Body)

    Proposed Solution: For each interface which provides tessellation (has a tessellate() method) there should be one corresponding tessellation struct with a obj_ref member of the type of the interface which generated the struct.

    Edge -> EdgeTessellationStruct Face -> FaceTessellationStruct Curve -> CurveTessellationStruct Surface -> SurfaceTessellationStruct Body -> ConnectedFaceTessellationStruct

    It would be much clearer that way and the redundancies pretty few.

  • Reported: CAD 1.1 — Wed, 29 Jan 2003 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT